by Justin Sayban

1.I WILL SPEAK UP TO THEIR COACHES and enforce the rules with my own kids when they’re not taking COVID safety seriously.

2.I WILL KEEP QUIET AFTER GAMES. Unless I’m asked my opinions about how they played or observations about the game, I will keep to myself

3. I WILL NOT CARE MORE ABOUT MY KIDS’ SUCCESS IN THEIR SPORT THAN THEY DO. They will drive their own bus – however much they want to push, I will help them achieve their goals. But the motivating force will be them, not me

4. I WILL HELP THEM FIND UNIQUE WAYS TO WORKOUT AT HOME DURING COVID and workout with them or at least hold them accountable to doing them when they aren’t able to go practice.

5. I WILL NOT OVER-ANALYZE THEIR COACHES. They will have great, good, and bad coaches throughout their sporting careers. I will not make it my job to fix this when it’s not ideal.

6. OUR FAMILY WILL PLAY TOGETHER MORE. We will do more fun outdoor activities like hiking and running and playing sports together, just for fun.

7. I WILL BE A BETTER ROLE MODEL by eating healthier, working out more, and getting off my devices more often – instead of just demanding they do.

8. I WILL MAKE INJURY PREVENTION A PRIORITY. With so many practices and games, we spend too much time on performance and not enough time on making sure their growing bodies are taken care of properly. Each of my kids has a program for stretching and building strength in weak and overused areas, but we can never find the time to do the 15-minute regimens. I will work this into their schedules.

9. I WILL ALLOW THEM THE FREEDOM TO FAIL. Instead of always trying to be one step ahead of their next misstep, I will sit back more and allow them to experience natural consequences, both positive and negative, of their choices.

10. I WILL FIND MORE TIME OR MAKE THE TIME FOR MORE IMPORTANT  PURSUITS like spiritual, altruistic, and fun. Sports has swallowed up the time we used to make for volunteering, religious endeavors, and simply finding hobbies our kids enjoy.

11. I WILL NOT OVERANALYZE THEIR FOOD AND SLEEP like they are competing in an Olympic event instead of a youth soccer game.

12. I WILL NOT GIVE THEM GRIEF FOR WANTING TO TAKE A DAY OFF OR EVEN A WEEK OFF.  Instead, I will have real discussions about what they’re feeling and why they’re feeling that way and try to develop solutions that work for them.

13. I WILL VALUE ARTISTIC AND CREATIVE PURSUITS OF MY CHILDREN THE SAME AS I DO THEIR ATHLETIC.  And this won’t be passive; it will be actively choosing to have the same interest and support in whatever my children pursue.

14. I WILL LEARN AND UNDERSTAND MORE ABOUT THEIR SPORT AND THEIR POSITION, instead of ignorantly commenting on things I’m only guessing about.

15. I WILL STOP SPENDING A SMALL FORTUNE ON THEIR SPORTS.  Some are fixed costs, like club dues, gear, and travel costs. But I will do my best to reduce spending on private lessons and take advantage of what the teams have to offer for extra training and additional practices instead of privates. I will also make them more accountable for their stuff – water bottles, sweatshirts, balls, so we are not buying new ones constantly.

16. I WILL NOT BE A FULL-TIME CHAUFFEUR spending less time in the car and more time on things that are important to me as my work and getting into better shape. I will carpool more, create a more consistent schedule within my carpools, and workout during their practices.

17. I WILL TELL THEM TO WATCH THEM PLAY CONSISTENTLY instead of what they need to do better.

Read More at ilovetowatchyouplay.com